Being an EMDSO member brings a few additional privileges:
1. Members have voting privileges and therefore a say in what the club does and how and where we do it. Decisions about club direction and projects are decided at our monthly business meetings.
2. Members in good standing may become an officer of the club and be on the board of directors.
3. As a club we own several telescopes that members in good standing may check out and use. It is a great way to learn about the different telescopes we own and help you make an informed decision on what to buy for yourself.
Telescope 1:
10" f/4.5 Dobsonian with 1143mm focal length and a 50” long optical tube assembly.
40mm eyepiece (2) [28.5 power]
25mm eyepiece [45.7 power]
Telrad pointing device [zero power]
Telescope 2:
6" f/4.8 Dobsonian with 731.5mm focal length and a 52" long optical tube assembly.
40mm eyepiece [18.3 power]
25mm eyepiece [29.3 power]
Telrad pointing device [zero power]
Telescope 3:
8" f/5.5 Dobsonian with 1117.6mm focal length and a 45" long optical tube assembly.
40mm eyepiece [27.9 power]
25mm eyepiece [44.7 power]
Telrad pointing device [zero power]
Telescope 4:
6" f/6 Dobsonian with 914.4mm focal length and a 36" long optical tube assembly.
40mm eyepiece [22.9 power]
40mm eyepiece [22.9 power]
Telrad pointing device (2) [zero power]